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Mon-Fri 9:00AM -06.00PM

Saturday 10:00AM - 03.00PM


One of the most important factors when it comes to being a carrier is the safety of truck. It is the responsibility of our company to ensure proper training is provided to prevent any accidents. For this we provide safety trainings and management programs which will help the staff handle the situation better. Every month, safety meetings are conducted to teach the drivers on how to prevent accidents that are common and critical. Similarly, if the driver had got involved in an accident post accident re-training is provided immediately to ensure that the driver is fully equipped and competent. One of the most important among the safety management is fatigue management. Fatigue is considered to be the major contributor of accidents and therefore our fatigue manager manages and monitors trucks to identify the drivers who might be fatigue.

  • Logbook Checking

  • Bonded & Non Bonded Carrier Code

After the implementation of commercial carrier code mandate in April 2011, choosing between becoming a bonded carrier and a non-bonded carrier depends on the type of operation.

  • Non-bonded carriers

    At the 1st point of arrival within the state, the shipment must be released. In case, if the carrier cannot accept release of the shipment, it can be brought inland and released to Canada Border Services Agency Office. A single trip authorisation bond should be posted at the Canadian border or the carrier should have the right to use the code of another bonded carrier. If either of this is not done, penalty is usually levied. To get a non-bonded carrier code, one has to submit the ownership documents to the Canada Border Security Agency, which will be processed in a month's time. Bonded carriers: The process to become a bonded carrier is a tedious one as one has to work with a Surety company or an approved agent. The owner should supply company financials and other documents to be reviewed. The original document with signature will be sent for approval and it usually takes about 6 weeks for the process to complete. The term for bond can be selected based on the need for 1 or 2 years.

  • NY/HUT Permit

    A fixed fee per carrier for registration and quarterly reporting of mileage should be paid. New York Highway Use tax HUT Permit: It is mandatory for all vehicles within the state exceeding weight of 18,000 pounds. Carrier companies operating within New York must have a HUT account and register all vehicles that operate within the state of NY. All these should be accompanied with an IFTA license.

  • Kentucky Permit

    Kentucky Permit is for registration but quarterly reports must be filed. Kentucky Permit: It is mandatory for all Motor Carriers operating within the state exceeding 60,000 pounds. Carrier companies with vehicles that fall within this category must open a KYU account and file quarterly reports on mileage. All carriers under the specified KYU account will be identified using their unique USDOT number. All changes in the record of trucks under a KYU account must be updated with the relevant Kentucky authority. An IFTA license is a mandatory requirement for operating within Kentucky.

  • Oregon Permit

    The state of Oregon requires a $2000 Cash deposit or security bond for motor carrier registration. A refund of this initial collateral is refundable after 2 years given that the motor carrier is obedient to the regulations governing carrier operation within the state. Once a Carrier company is registered monthly mileage reports must be filed with the relevant authority.

  • Oregon HUT Permit

    Oregon HUT permits are issued to all motor carriers exceeding 26,000 pounds in weight. The tax is based on mileage covered by carrier. All Motor carrier companies operating in Oregon must have HUT account. All trucks must at all times have weight receipt and a tax identifier to operate in Oregon. Mileage reports are filed on a monthly basis. There are no fuel taxes levied in Oregon only mileage tax.